About Philomaths

Philomaths owns and operates The Golf Mentor application. This features a golf club distances calculator, and is one of the highest ranking sites in the world for information on golf club distances. The site and associated IOS app earn revenue from subscriptions and advertising.

Philomaths carries out mathematical research into golf handicapping, Attitude Heading Reference Systems, Covid-19, and other areas. Philomaths has provided expert witness consultancy to law firms in London, San Francisco, Sydney, and Dallas. The consultancy areas include cellular location technology, the Global Positioning System, and the lower layers of telecommunication systems.

Philomaths undertakes a range of public service activities including open source software. It added spell checking functionality to the rspec gem. The version of the gem that includes that functionality has had over 7 million downloads. Philomaths developed an structured tree speller for the Did You Mean gem that that can use a structured dictionary. The algorithm provides a halving of the error rate and a ten times increase in speed when working with a structured dictionary. The gem is automatically required when Ruby language starts, so the structured dictionary is immediately available to millions of Ruby developers around the world. The master branch of the Did You Mean gem provides the facility to apply the structured tree speller to assist in fixing Ruby load path errors. We hope in time this will bring a little joy to every ruby developer.

Philomaths voluntarily supports the Stack Overflow web site, where our technical questions and answers have reached over 850,000 developers around the world.

The Chief Scientist of Philomaths is Dr. Chris Drane. Chris completed a PhD in the Physics School at the University of Sydney. He is an inventor and has mathematically modeled complex phenomena in many fields, including biology, finance, and physical systems. His work in physical systems includes submarine sonars, aircraft guidance systems, and vehicle tracking systems. He was a pioneer of the accurate location of mobile telephones. He has worked in industry around the world and carried out research at the University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney, the University of Cambridge, and University of California Berkley.

Philomaths Pty. Limited is based in Sydney Australia, ABN 81168631605, DUNS 749492430. For more information please email the company, telephone us or write to P.O Box 6271, Pymble, NSW, 2073.

This web site was first deployed 8 years ago.

Website Version: 3.1.3.