Ranking for Suppression

Some countries are aiming to either eliminate or suppress the virus. If successful, these countries should have a very small number of infected individuals. Here we rank the countries by Total Infected Individuals per million of population.

Australia and New Zealand until recently were in the top group, but both have recently experienced breakouts of COVID-19.

Rank Country TII (ppm) Prevalence R Stategy
1 Brazil 77.13 5464 0.34
2 Sweden 121.03 892 1.14
3 Peru 270.31 1147 1.14
4 Israel 315.62 2804 1.04
5 United Kingdom 682.09 32083 1.08
6 Singapore 849.08 4788 0.63
7 US 915.32 175474 0.84
8 New Zealand 1145.29 5544 1.11